Jubilee Church

This fundraiser supports Jamie Kim and Family
About This Fundraiser
Jubilee Church is an inter-denominational, inter-cultural church serving the English-speaking communities in Korea for the purpose of world missions. Our vision is to be a hub for missions.
This team is open to anyone that attends or has ever been attended Jubilee. God has opened doors to NK through many different ministries at Jubilee. I pray that we will also be able to financially support kingdom work in NK.
For more information, visit www.myjubileechurch.com
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About Jamie Kim and Family

Hello friends,
My name is Jamie Kim and I am the director of Reah International.
The word for me in 2022 is from Isaiah 52:2 Enlarge the
place of your tent,
stretch your tent curtains wide, do
not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.
For me and Reah, I believe that we are to enlarge our ministry from mainly serving the field to serving the church, the body of Christ. Reah's role is to equip and empower the church to train and disciple their members for ministry, local and global.
There is a role for the whole body of Christ in global engagement. As the pandemic has shown, we can work remotely and be just as effective if we are creative and diligent. There is a place and a role for you whether you are on the field, preparing to go, or in your home country. This can happen as the body of Christ works together to support a flourishing quality of life in North Korea. Let's pray and work together to support a flourishing quality of life in North Korea and beyond!